The Centre for Change (TCFC) was born out of The Centre for Human Development (TCHD), a social services agency based in Trinidad and Tobago. The role of TCFC as a non-profit organization is meant to further strengthen the ‘continuum of care’ philosophy of TCHD, with the end goal of providing equitable access along the entire mental health continuum for all persons, regardless of social or economic categorization.
As a partner of TCHD, TCFC has access to the suite of mental health professionals that are licensed and certified practitioners in the fields of trauma, therapy, individual and group counseling, community development and training and development. These practitioners form an integral part of the resources available to TCFC in the design and implementation of its intervention programs, as they have done so for a diverse range of institutions and organizations in the past.
The hallmark of TCFC that sets it apart from other NGO’s, is its capitalization on mental wellness as a means improving society educationally, economically and socially. TCFC has critically analysed how mental health interplays with societal development; and plans to enact this relationship to help empower underserved citizens.