TCHD Centre for Change (NGO)

Implementing programs and activities for the social, psychological, and educational needs of individuals, groups, and communities within Trinidad and Tobago, and the Caribbean.


The Centre for Change will be the pioneer social change agency in Trinidad and Tobago and the Region.


The Centre for Change will empower the most vulnerable in society through evidence-based mental wellness programmes that promote sustainable human well-being and social resiliency.

Core Values

Transparency & Accountability

Respect & Empathy

Equity & Equality


To undertake baseline research on key, underexplored stakeholder groups in mental well-being;
To promote fact-based advocacy in support of equality and inclusion of mental health;
To exemplify an organizational culture of monitoring and evaluation.
To utilize this new research base in the design and implementation of evidence based programming;
To catalyse and support partnerships for the development of the mental health sector;


The Centre for Change (TCFC) was born out of The Centre for Human Development (TCHD), a social services agency based in Trinidad and Tobago. The role of TCFC as a non-profit organization is meant to further strengthen the ‘continuum of care’ philosophy of TCHD, with the end goal of providing equitable access along the entire mental health continuum for all persons, regardless of social or economic categorization.

As a partner of TCHD, TCFC has access to the suite of mental health professionals that are licensed and certified practitioners in the fields of trauma, therapy, individual and group counseling, community development and training and development. These practitioners form an integral part of the resources available to TCFC in the design and implementation of its intervention programs, as they have done so for a diverse range of institutions and organizations in the past.

The hallmark of TCFC that sets it apart from other NGO’s, is its capitalization on mental wellness as a means improving society educationally, economically and socially. TCFC has critically analysed how mental health interplays with societal development; and plans to enact this relationship to help empower underserved citizens.



The Centre for Change is governed by a Board of Directors, with each member selected for their functional expertise in organisational and financial management, law, subject specialists, and communications.

The Board of Directors is responsible for strategic planning, auditing, championing, and oversight of the management of the organisation.

Directors undertake this responsibility on a pro bono basis and undergo periodic assessment by an external evaluator.


The Executive Director (ED) is responsible for the implementation of the strategic plan of the organization on a day-to-day basis. The ED holds primary responsibility for all matters relating to human resources, financial management, marketing and public relations and programmatic effectiveness.

The ED reports to and is periodically reviewed by the Board of Directors.

Associates and Advisors:

Programme specific advisory groups that comprise 3 to 5 subject matter experts inform the Centre for Change’s major programmatic areas. These experts develop the scope, activities, and initiatives for the major programmatic areas, together with the ED and the programme coordinator.

The Centre for Change also works along with external Associates, who are direct collaborators and primary sources of expertise and skill in the implementation of projects and initiatives.

Major Program Areas

This conceptual framework provides the structure that guides the design of The Centre’s major programme areas, which are:

Capacity building

we will focus on improving the capacity and skillset of national organizations and institutions to contribute to the overall continuum of care within mental wellness;

Public Education

we will curate and disseminate pertinent information discussing mental health to the public and ensuring that they are able to implement this information. A key component of this will be which will serve as a comprehensive interactive website that will focus on enhancing mental health knowledge in the Region;

Clinical Care

Psychological/Clinical services will be incorporated into all branches of TCFC, and will include our national suicide hotline/chat service;

Policy Advocacy

a natural progression of our research and interventions will be the inclusion of our knowledge into national policy. TCFC will seek to provide current and expert testimony to any policy processes that focus on mental wellness; and

The Residential Care Facility

the Residential Facility will run independently of TCFC. This facility will focus on providing a higher level of therapeutic care, particularly for children and youth, which is currently unavailable in Trinidad & Tobago.

Practical Approaches

Research – driven

Through these programmes, The Centre will not only take an evidence-driven approach, but also integrate research through the design and implementation of its project activities. Each activity within the programme areas of The Centre must contribute, even in the smallest ways, to a compendium of locally relevant and novel data that will better inform the overall development agenda of T&T and the Region.


The Centre will also take a partnership-driven approach in the design and implementation of its programme areas. This approach will not only serve to disseminate the research and data gathered through our work, but to ensure that we are informed and guided by the best available research and practices currently being used by the many great organizations, both here and abroad.

Organisational sustainability

The Centre will also take a partnership-driven approach in the design and implementation of its programme areas. This approach will not only serve to disseminate the research and data gathered through our work, but to ensure that we are informed and guided by the best available research and practices currently being used by the many great organizations, both here and abroad.

Have Any Questions?

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Visit Us: No. 9 Pasea Main, Road Tunapuna, Trinidad West Indies

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